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The Danish Bar and Law Society

The Danish Bar and Law Society (“the Society”) operates on a politically neutral basis to improve the rule of law for the benefit of citizens and enterprises and for a well-functioning society based on the rule of law.

Two of our main duties are to supervise that all lawyers in Denmark adhere to the legal and ethical rules and obligations of the legal profession and to safeguard the independence and integrity of lawyers.

Lawyers have always been subject to high ethical standards and to a number of rules and obligations regarding the right of audience before the court, insurance, mandatory continuing professional development, and a series of other rules of professional conduct.

It is mandatory for all active lawyers in Denmark to be members of the Society. At present, Denmark has approximately 7.600 lawyers, who are all subject to the code of conduct for lawyers.

The annual subscription fee is currently DKK 8.800 excl. VAT.

The professional title ‘advokat’ can only be used by members of the Society.

The premises of the Society are located in central Copenhagen. Mr. Andrew Hjuler Crichton is secretary general of the Society.

It is mandatory for all active lawyers in Denmark to be members of the Society.